Ben’s Electric Solutions Team – They are rockin’ it with a steady inflow of Google Reviews!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ben’s Electric Solutions Team is one of our early adopters, and Ben jumped on our Five Star Review Acquisition solution right away. Starting with just 6 Google Reviews, it’s just a few months later and Ben has 77 Google reviews with out lifting a finger.
Because of the higher number of new, genuine reviews, he is getting calls for quotations on a regular basis. Search Google for “Electricians near Sundance Calgary” and you’ll see that Ben is third on the list of results.
Can we help you get more Genuine, New, 5 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews for your business without you having to lift a finger? Schedule a meeting to start your free 30 day trial.
Expand your reach with an accurate list of leads
Are you combing through LinkedIn, Facebook, and corporate websites looking for leads? Maybe you are buying lists that are of questionable accuracy and quality from a third party. We have just signed up to be partners of a solution called Seamless AI. Seamless AI is a contact search engine that finds verified cell phones, emails, and direct dials for anyone you need to sell to. (You can even see the company org chart!) Once you get your list, Seamless can automatically upload the contact information into your CRM, email program, or downloads to a spreadsheet.
We need your Vote!

CommunityVotes Calgary 2023 has nominated Unrivald Digital as one of the top 20 Web Designers in Calgary. We need your nomination to get a great CommunityVotes listing. Can you please click through to nominate us?