Dreamlife Mattress Outlet Comox

We are pleased to report that DreamLife Mattress Outlet Comox Valley reached 100 Google Reviews this week.

A number of months ago, Unrivald Digital was contacted by Trish Browning at the DreamLife Mattress Outlet in Comox Valley. Trish needed a digital marketing strategy. After another agency left her high and dry, we stepped up and wrote a detailed digital marketing strategy for her business that fit her budget, and would deliver results.

One component of our strategy was to implement an automated way to get online reviews with out lifting a finger. (Ok, she had to click her mouse once or twice!)

We are so pleased that Trish reached this milestone!

Why does Trish get 5 star reviews on a regular basis?

Trish was an ideal client for NiceJob, as she has these aspects of her business dialed in:

  • Trish is selling a highly quality product to consumers
  • There is a healthy local demand for her products and services
  • Trish provides excellent service for her customers
  • Her website SEO was top notch
  • Trish adds blogs to the site on a regular basis

Want to get the same results? Automate the process Grasshopper!

We set Trish up in NiceJob. NiceJob is an all-in-one reputation marketing software application for busy and budget-conscious business owners. It puts review generation, referrals, and social media content on autopilot.

Now every time Trish creates an invoice in QuickBooks, a message is sent to NiceJob and a mini email campaign starts for that customer. In this way Trish is requesting reviews without having to lift a finger. See our blog on this topic here.

Get Google Reviews

How Google Reviews help your business

  • Google reviews give you street cred, as customers can see that you are the real deal.
  • Google reviews move you up the local search engine results in your area.
    • When people search “find a plumber, electrician, mattress, near me” will return your business before those with fewer reviews.
  • Google reviews allow you to reply to both positive and negative reviews and tell your side of the story.
    • “Thanks for doing business with us, it was a pleasure working with you.”
    • or
    • “We are sorry that things didn’t go as planed, we sent someone out to make it right, and it seems that you are happy with our service now.”

Do you want to increase the number of 5 star reviews for your business?

leads reviews

We ensure that your Google Business Listing is set up properly. Then we set your business up in our NiceJob environment Finally we connect your business software to trigger a request for a review whenever you close a job or send an invoice. Boom it’s done!

See how it worked for Trish by clicking here.

Contact us today to get started on a FREE trial

Click here to get started, and save $499.00 with free setup when you use the code SETUPREVIEWS4FREE

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The Social Holiday: Your Complete Guide to Making Social Holidays Work for You

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Gary Pitcher

Web Developer

Gary has forgotten more about technology than most of us will ever know. He’s worked in dozens of industries in a wide variety of roles and solves difficult problems recreationally. By the time you’ve formulated your question, Gary already has an answer, which would be annoying except he’s so darned nice about it.

Adrian Proctor

Web Developer

When you put Adrian behind a keyboard, magic happens. On stage, that means he’s making music. At work, he’s bringing website designs to life. Adrian is probably the quietest member of the Unrivald Digital team, but when he speaks, we all listen because we know he’s got something important to say.

Shaheen Bhimani


Shaheen is the guy you want in your corner when you’ve got a complex problem to solve in the next 15 minutes. He’s part MacGyver, part Tony Stark and part while still being the nicest guy in the room, hands down. His soft-spoken, down-to-earth vibe and ability to deliver makes him a client favourite.

Blair Shunk


Whether leading a meeting, riding his motorcycle, or running in the Banff Jasper Relay (for which he was Race Director for many years), Blair connects with the world around him. He inspires his team to work hard while never forgetting the value of the relationships he builds with clients.