Chatbots are always there to talk to your website visitors
While you are working, on vacation, making sales calls, or getting a good night’s sleep; your chatbot can be having a value packed conversation with your website visitors. Think about it, chatbots – they are virtual assistants that never sleep!
The way it was…
The chatbots of the past had a limited number of responses, and after taking 5 minutes to put in all your information, they often just tapped out and passed you on to a help desk or salesperson. You are thinking, “If that’s all you are going to do – I could have called the 1-800 number myself and saved the time talk with that…”.
Thanks to AI – today’s chatbots are interactive, smart, and helpful
Here’s some basic functionality that our new chatbots provide:
- Capture visitor contact information
- Determine a visitor’s budget
- Find out when they want to buy
- Book a consultation or sales call
- Get key information to create a quote
- Send visitors to a web page or online document for more information

Now the good stuff – how about having a meaningful conversation with a Chatbot?

With our new chatbot’s AI capability, you can preload your company information into the bot, allowing for meaningful answers to loosely structured questions. Here’s 3 ways to ask a question, and with AI you always get an answer.
- Q1: When are you open?
- Q2: What are your hours?
- Q3: Are you open now?
- The bot always answers: Our business hours are….
Our bots live in your world and deliver only your content
Our AI bots DO NOT fetch information from the world wide web and deliver it to your visitor. The AI bot that we use works within your specific domain using information that you provide. This ensures that your visitors get information about YOUR business, and not your competitors.
Our Chatbots have flexibility
Our bots can be implemented site wide, so the same bot is found on every page on your site. Or you can develop a bot for each page. For example if you have multiple locations, your website may have a page for each business location. A custom bot can be easily created to talk about that unique location, their hours, describe the awesome team there and their unique range of services. (There’s no snow removal ever in Las Vegas, and Winnipeg doesn’t need window cleaning in January…)
The Hybrid Bot Rules
What is the best way to have a bot conversation with a website visitor. You need to ask the right questions to capture meaningful information from your visitor. For this you need a hybrid bot. A bot that is hybrid has 2 operating modes, gasoline and battery power. (Ok, I’m just checking to see if you are still with me!) hybrid bots have a structured step by step sequence of interactions – and a database of information that AI can access for general questions.
- Structured Mode:
- A defined step by step information flow to gather basic contact information and qualify the visitor
- Has an exit to a specific action or location:
- An appointment booking page
- Your online store
- A special offer
- A landing page with a link to your free e-book
- AI Mode:
- An environment to answer any questions that a customer has about your business:
- When are you open
- Can you make a service call today?
- What is the usual cost of your widget replacement service?
- Do you have any items on sale or special promotion?
Chatbots – virtual assistants that never sleep! Get one today!
Try it out – Claire is waiting for you – she’s right over there >>>>>>>>>>
You get a 14 day free trial, custom setup, and a monthly tune-up as part of your low monthly subscription fee. Use this link to get started.
What’s our stance?
At Unrivald Digital, we understand that we can’t win unless you are succeeding. We don’t have dreams about our success. We have dreams about YOUR success. When you get what you want, we get what we want.
There’s no other way