Submit a ticket

As a minimum, we make our best effort to meet these response times.  Unless other terms are agreed to, these are our standard support times.

Severity of the issueDuring business hoursAfter business hours
Low4-8 hoursNext business day
Medium1-4 hours 
HighImmediate – as soon as possible 

Exceptions: Civic holidays, absences due to sudden illness or death (God forbid!), and special event days like the Banff Jasper Relay (annually on the first Saturday in June) may mean that we can’t respond until the next business day. In these cases, an email will be sent to all clients advising of our support commitments.

Severity levels of support Issues:

  • Low severity: No impact to business operations, no loss of revenue or exposure to risk (example: content updates).
  • Medium severity: Moderate impact to business operations, affecting some areas of revenue generating activity (example: an online app stops working).
  • High severity: High impact to business operations affecting the main activities that are associated with generating business revenue (example: your site goes offline or your email stops working).

To get help, please submit a ticket
First Name  
Last Name  
Email address  
Phone Number  
URL / Web page address  
Description of problem   
Attachment   Attach files
Each of your file(s) can be up to 20MB in size.
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Gary Pitcher

Web Developer

Gary has forgotten more about technology than most of us will ever know. He’s worked in dozens of industries in a wide variety of roles and solves difficult problems recreationally. By the time you’ve formulated your question, Gary already has an answer, which would be annoying except he’s so darned nice about it.

Adrian Proctor

Web Developer

When you put Adrian behind a keyboard, magic happens. On stage, that means he’s making music. At work, he’s bringing website designs to life. Adrian is probably the quietest member of the Unrivald Digital team, but when he speaks, we all listen because we know he’s got something important to say.

Shaheen Bhimani


Shaheen is the guy you want in your corner when you’ve got a complex problem to solve in the next 15 minutes. He’s part MacGyver, part Tony Stark and part while still being the nicest guy in the room, hands down. His soft-spoken, down-to-earth vibe and ability to deliver makes him a client favourite.

Blair Shunk


Whether leading a meeting, riding his motorcycle, or running in the Banff Jasper Relay (for which he was Race Director for many years), Blair connects with the world around him. He inspires his team to work hard while never forgetting the value of the relationships he builds with clients.